Last Sunday afternoon, out of nowhere I got the sudden urge and motivation to plan my entire upcoming week, which I NEVER do. My mood was up, my body was in motion and it felt good, I proceeded to create a more detailed plan then I imagine Elon did when he was drawing up the design for his first rocket. I had a morning workout thrown in, a grocery list consisting of all the major super fruits I could find online, and even, after almost two years decided this week was the week I would clean the backseat of my car.
I ended up going to bed late, late... late that Su-Monday morning, happy, excited and ready to carry out my kick-a** plan.
Later that same morning, I woke up and OUT of the motivation and happy mood I had hit the hay with. Needless to say, that color coded plan I created was not carried out. Where did that dopamine go, that inspiration, that tenacity? Dream land?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can enhance the fluctuations in our mood, motivation and need for movement. That can lead to a broad array of troubles with self-esteem, work-ethic and relationships.
I made those plans when I was FULL of all of it, good mood, inspiring motivation and the movement that was being generated in the goals I was setting for myself. The one thing I did not take into account, which in retrospect I definitely knew, was that my mood WOULD change, my motivation WOULD be different on a Monday, the movement and momentum I was building up to occur throughout the week WOULD experience barriers, rumble strips and the occasional uphill climb.
The facts are your mood and motivation are incredible difficult to control, and movement only comes from actuating on those two components when they arise in the correct way. You can not just will yourself to be happy when your sad or pep talk yourself off the couch to change over the laundry that's been waiting for three days when you have no motivation, it just does not work like that.
There is no, "one solution fits all" for this problem, each person has to build their own ADHD tool box for figuring this all out. Over the next few weeks, we will be going through the three components of MMMh and laying some tools out on the table that you can pick up and try. Tighten a few screws in your routine with Brili.
First up, we will discuss these three components on the highest level and answer the question, how should we consider these in our routine creation and outlook?