Sharing ADHD Lightbulb Moments - Positive Outlook & Symptom Management

Hello, Brili Family!

It is ADHD awareness month and that is why I would like to share my story. At the core of what we do here at Brili—and in my work as a coach—is guiding people to see things differently. It’s about helping people open their eyes to new possibilities, finding solutions in unexpected places. And that’s exactly what happened to me.

As a mother of neurodivergent children, I’ve had my share of those “aha” moments that completely change how you approach things. It wasn’t just about finding out what ADHD or neurodiversity meant; it was about shifting how I understood it and how I supported my family.

Our mornings used to be total chaos: stress, frustration, and a lot of "why isn't this working?" But the problem wasn’t my family or their neurodiversity—it was that our routines weren’t designed to meet our needs.

My lightbulb moment came when I realized—supportive and personalized routines can make all the difference for neurodivergent kids. I stumbled across resources designed specifically for them and thought, This is why things haven’t been working. It wasn’t about trying harder; it was about finding the right approach.

The moment I understood that, everything changed. Establishing structure that worked with our family’s unique rhythms and needs helped us start the day calmer and with more connection. Suddenly we had room for the positive moments we longed for as a family.

And this is why Brili exists today—to help the neurodivergent community build helpful, personalized routines that work.

Now, I would love to hear your lightbulb moment. When did you realize something about neurodiversity or ADHD that changed everything?

Share your story with us here. Your experiences could inspire and guide others going through the same challenges.

Thank you for being part of this journey!

With appreciation,


CEO, Brili