Life w/ ADHD: The Risk of Accidents and Injuries

A study in Sweden found that individuals with ADHD are 45% more at risk of a car crash. The risk may be even greater in the late teens.

So, let's take a closer look at how ADHD may be the cause for such an increased risk of injury.

Being quick to action might mean you don't take as much time as others would to assess a situation and the environment. While there are often advantages to being the first mover, impulsive behaviour can easily lead to a sore knee or even a serious accident.

When the task at hand – like driving a car – requires your full attention, avoiding distractions is a must for your safety and those around you. Literally everything has the potential to be a distraction and it can sometimes feel difficult to limit them. Becoming aware of the risk that certain regular tasks in your day might involve is the first step.

Impulsivity and inattentiveness are well-known ADHD characteristics that can make someone more susceptible to injury, and they may be more obvious than characteristics like time management.

ADHD can make it challenging to manage time effectively and plan activities. This often results in rushed actions, procrastination, or poor judgment of the time needed to complete tasks like arriving at work on time. These difficulties can definitely increase the likelihood of accidents or injuries.

Incorporating conscious safety measures in your daily life – like planning enough buffer time for car trips or taking ADHD medication before driving – can provide you with more than a few benefits.

ADHD may make you more prone to injury, but taking some time to understand your usual environment and where you take the most risk in your day can help you build a safer life.

With a focus on safety, you can work to develop self-management techniques and build confidence in your ability to navigate safely whatever environment you find yourself in.