Happy Holidays From The Brili Team 2022

Happy Holidays! Tis' the season and if you are looking for a big reason to forget about your regular work routines for a while and slip into some comfy slippers and planned self-care, here it is!

We here at Brili know the benefits of structure and routines but will never down play the benefits of time off. We hope you find some peace and quiet during this season to rest and recharge.

With another whole year of successful routines and habits behind us, we can say been there, done that, time to press snooze. Life can't always be a race, everyone needs time to stop check their oil and refill on the sweeter things in life. Connect with family and old friends, sit by a fire and share food and stories.

The ADHD community is one above many others that knows what it is to live purely in the moment. Find that place and stay a while, enjoy this holiday season! You will have plenty of time in the new year to work towards your personal goals.

We will see you next year for another eventful healthy routine filled time, starting with the tiniest challenge you have ever seen. Stay tuned for more details as we announce!