ADHD Awareness Survey Results - Part 1

The results of our ADHD Awareness Month mini-survey are in and we couldn't be happier with the level of participation from the community! A huge thank you to everyone out there that contributed their insights. Here is a first look at some of the results.

To the question:

How do you view your ADHD on a scale between extreme challenge (0) and super power (10)?

The Community Responded:

32% of respondents said over 5 and 68% said under 5, the mean answer was 4. Answers ranged from 0 to 10, there is such a wide range in which people view their ADHD, but the majority view it as moderately challenging. We think this is pretty good news and interpret this as many of you have found ways to make the most of their ADHD.

Throughout the rest of this year we will be sharing the insights we gathered from this survey, Brili is dedicated to raising awareness around ADHD all year round. We are sharing these insights in hopes that anyone out there can see them and understand they are not alone in this journey.

We did not just collect numbers, the community shared their statements too.

To the question:

What do you wish the people around you would understand and respect about your ADHD?

Anonymous responded:

"You don't need to understand what I'm going through, you need to accept that I understand it. I find tools that work for me."

We couldn't agree more. By sharing these community statements, we hope we can encourage you to find your own way with ADHD as well. So that one day it will be less of a challenge and more of a superpower.